Medical Board of Australia - The Queensland Board of the Medical Board of Australia
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The Queensland Board of the Medical Board of Australia

QLD Board Members

  • Dr Philip G Richardson (Chair), Practitioner Member
  • Dr Hash Abdeen, Practitioner Member
  • Dr Wole Akosile, Practitioner Member
  • Mr John Anderson, Community Member
  • Mr Timothy Cole, Community Member
  • Dr Caron Forde, Practitioner Member
  • Ms Christine Gee AM, Community Member
  • Ms Colette McCool, Community Member
  • Ms Megan O'Shannessy, Community Member
  • Dr Donna O'Sullivan, Practitioner Member
  • Dr Anelisa de Souza, Practitioner Member
  • Dr Erin Waters, Pracititioner Member
Page reviewed 9/07/2024