Medical Board of Australia - Postgraduate medical councils
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Postgraduate medical councils

The Australian Medical Council’s National Framework for Prevocational (PGY1 and PGY2) Medical Training (the AMC Framework) supports the Medical Board’s registration standard for Granting general registration as a medical practitioner to Australian and New Zealand medical graduates on completion of postgraduate year one training and defines the standards for postgraduate year one training programs (commonly known as a medical internship).

The Board’s registration standard defines the training requirements that postgraduate year one (PGY1) doctors (interns) must complete satisfactorily to become eligible for general registration. PGY1 training programs and terms must be accredited by an authority approved by the Board.

Approval of intern training accreditation authorities

The AMC reviews and accredits organisations that accredit PGY1 training programs in each state and territory. These organisations are commonly known as postgraduate medical councils (PMCs).

The AMC provides an accreditation report to the Board after it decides whether to accredit each PMC. After being given an accreditation report, the Board decides whether to approve the PMC as a PGY1 (intern) training accreditation authority.

The AMC Framework includes the standards and procedures that are used by the AMC to assess and accredit PGY1 training accreditation authorities.

Approved PGY1 training accreditation authorities

PGY1 (intern) training accreditation authorities (or PMCs) assess and accredit PGY1 training programs against the standards and requirements for training programs in the AMC Framework.

The following authorities are approved by the Board to accredit PGY1 (intern) training programs in their respective state or territory.

Postgraduate medical council Approval expiry date
South Australian Medical Education and Training Health Advisory Council
31 March 2028
Canberra Region Medical Education Council 31 March 2030
Postgraduate Medical Education Council of Tasmania 31 March 2027
Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria 31 March 2029
Postgraduate Medical Council of Western Australia  31 March 2029
Queensland Department of Health -
Prevocational Medical Accreditation Queensland
31 March 2025
Northern Territory Prevocational Medical Assurance Services 31 March 2030
Health Education and Training Institute (NSW) 31 March 2026
Page reviewed 14/03/2025