26 Mar 2014
The Board has decided to change the Advertising guidelines to be clearer about the use of testimonials.
The Medical Board of Australia has decided to change the Advertising guidelines to be clearer about the use of testimonials and consistent with advice currently published in FAQs (122 KB,DOCX).
The Board has been monitoring discussions about this issue closely and is concerned about confusion in the profession and the community about the use of testimonials and the rights of consumers to have their say.
The Board has decided that the guidelines need to change to make it clearer that practitioners are not responsible for removing (or trying to have removed) unsolicited testimonials published on a website or in social media over which they do NOT have control.
The Board cannot change the advertising requirements of the National Law.
The change will affect section 6.2.3 of the guidelines.
Until this change is made, AHPRA will be applying the guidelines consistent with information in the FAQs (122 KB,DOCX). This means practitioners are not responsible for removing (or trying to have removed) unsolicited testimonials published on a website or in social media over which they do NOT have control.
The Medical Board of Australia will now work with AHPRA and the other 13 National Boards to progress this change.