Medical Board of Australia - Revised registration standard for AMC certificate holders comes into effect today
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Revised registration standard for AMC certificate holders comes into effect today

15 Feb 2018

The Medical Board of Australia’s revised registration standard comes into effect today.

The revised standard applies to international medical graduates who hold an Australian Medical Council (the AMC) certificate and who are applying for general registration from 15 February 2018.

The revised standard does not change the requirements for general registration for AMC certificate holders. The revised standard makes clearer how AMC certificate holders can demonstrate that they are performing at least at the standard of an Australian intern at the end of intern training to become eligible for general registration. AMC certificate holders are required to demonstrate that they have achieved the learning outcomes as defined in the AMC’s guidance Intern training – Intern outcome statements.

Detailed information about the evidence required to demonstrate satisfactory completion of supervised practice for applications for general registration received from 15 February 2018 is available in the Guidance: Evidence of supervised practice to support applications for general registration from Australian Medical Council certificate holders.

Transitional arrangements for AMC certificate holders who have completed supervised practice in general practice only

The revised standard requires that AMC certificate holders, who have completed their supervised practice in general practice only, provide evidence of the learning experiences they obtained that enabled them to achieve the learning outcomes defined in the AMC’s document ‘Intern training – Intern outcome statements’.

Although the standard comes into effect from 15 February 2018, there are transitional arrangements for AMC certificate holders who have completed supervised practice in general practice only.

For applications for general registration received by AHPRA up to and including 30 June 2018, AMC certificate holders who have undertaken supervised practice in general practice can continue to provide the evidence as required under the previous standard as follows:

  • Work performance reports, on the template approved by the Board, completed by the applicant’s Board approved principal supervisor confirming satisfactory completion of the period, and

  • A letter of recommendation for general registration which must:
    • be on the employer’s letterhead.
    • contain the practitioner's name.
    • contain details of service including:
      • the date that the practitioner commenced and finished working in the supervised practice position

        [Note: If the practitioner is still working in the position, it is acceptable for the letter to confirm this instead of providing an end date.]

      • whether the work has been full time, part-time or a combination. If any of the work has been part-time, provide details of FTE worked
      • the number of weeks FTE completed, excluding periods of leave.
    • confirm that the practitioner has demonstrated a standard of practice that is at least equivalent to that of an intern at the end of the intern year in all core disciplines – i.e. medicine, surgery and emergency medical care and
    • confirm that the principal supervisor recommends that the practitioner be granted general registration.

Note: Where the signatory of the letter of recommendation is unable to confirm 47 weeks of FTE supervised practice, the practitioner will be required to provide supporting evidence with their application for general registration to demonstrate completion of the entire period of supervised practice required by the Board.

From 1 July 2018, AMC certificate holders who complete all their supervised practice in general practice must provide documentary evidence as outlined in the Guidance: Evidence of supervised practice to support applications for general registration from Australian Medical Council certificate holders when they apply for general registration.  

Page reviewed 15/02/2018