Medical Board of Australia - Past Consultations
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Past Consultations

 Year  Consultation
2024 Public consultation: Health checks for late career doctors
Public consultation: Review of the Criminal History registration standard
Public consultation: Registration standard: specialist registration
Public consultation: Regulation of health practitioners who perform and who advertise non-surgical cosmetic procedures 


Public consultation: Application for the recognition of Rural Generalist Medicine as a new field of specialty practice
Public consultation: Review of the Criminal history registration standard and other work to improve public safety 
Public consultation: Two further possible changes to the National Boards’ English language skills requirements
Public consultation: Proposal for the recognition of Genetic pathology as a new field of specialty practice
Public consultation: Guidelines: Telehealth consultations with patients
Public consultation: Scheduled review of National scheme accreditation arrangements
Public consultation: Draft revised registration standard for Granting general registration to Australian and New Zealand medical graduates on completion of intern training 


Public consultation: Regulation of medical practitioners who provide cosmetic medical and surgical procedures
Public consultation: English language skills registration standards
Public consultation: Independent review of the regulation of health practitioners in cosmetic surgery
2021 Public consultation: Draft revised registration standard for Endorsement of registration for acupuncture for registered medical practitioners 
2020 Public consultation: Draft revised Registration standard: Continuing professional development
Public consultation: revised Good practice guidelines for the specialist international medical graduate assessment process
2019 Proposed supervised practice framework
Review of the Guidelines for advertising a regulated health service
Review of the Guidelines for mandatory notifications
Guidelines for registered health practitioners and students in relation to bloodborne viruses
Consultation on clearer regulation of medical practitioners who provide complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments
2018 Draft revised Good medical practice: A code of conduct for doctors in Australia
Review of accreditation arrangements
Draft guideline for informing a National Board about where you practice
Proposed changes to sexual boundaries guidelines
2016 Revalidation
Draft revised registration standard for granting general registration to medical practitioners who hold an AMC certificate
Draft revised registration standard for specialist registration
2015 Registered medical practitioners who provide cosmetic medical and surgical procedures
Draft guidelines: Supervised practice for international medical graduates
2014 Draft guidelines for regulatory management of registered health practitioners and students infected with blood-borne viruses

Registration standards for:

  • Professional indemnity insurance
  • Recency of practice
  • Continuing professional development
Registrations standards for the four types of limited registration and draft guidelines on short-term training in a medical specialty
2013 Review of the English language skills and criminal history registration standards
International criminal history checks
Draft revised Good medical practice: A code of conduct for doctors in Australia

Cross-Board consultation on common guidelines

  • Guidelines for advertising
  • Social Media policy
  • Revisions to Guidelines for mandatory notifications
Proposed changes to the competent authority pathway and specialist pathway for international medical graduates
2012 Review of accreditation arrangements for the medical profession
International criminal history checks
Draft supplementary Guidelines on cosmetic medical and surgical procedures for ‘Good medical practice: A code of conduct for doctors in Australia’
Registration standard for endorsement for acupuncture
Draft supplementary Guidelines on cosmetic medical and surgical procedures for ‘Good medical practice: A code of conduct for doctors in Australia’
Second round consultation on proposed registration standard for granting general registration as a medical practitioner to Australian and New Zealand medical graduates on completion of intern training
Definition of practice
Proposed registration standard for granting general registration as a medical practitioner to Australian and New Zealand medical graduates on completion of intern training
Draft guidelines: Technology based patient consultations
Draft guidelines for medical practitioners and medical students infected with blood-borne viruses
Draft guidelines: Sexual boundaries a guide for doctors and patients
2010 Registration standard for specialist registration and registration standard for endorsement of acupuncture
Registration standard for granting general registration to medical practitioners in the Standard Pathway who hold an AMC certificate
Guideline for supervised practice for limited registration
Registration standard for limited registration for teaching or research and limited registration in the public interest
Proposals for registration standards for limited registration, Code of Practice for the Medical Profession and a Revised List of Specialties and Specialist Titles
2009 Registration standards for criminal history, english language, professional indemnity insurance, continuing professional development, recency of practice and proposed list of Specialties and Specialist titles


Where there are consultations which have closed, they will be shown on this page. To access the consultation paper and submissions, click on the year that the consultation occured, in the left menu. 

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Page reviewed 27/02/2025