Medical Board of Australia - 2014
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Public consultation on draft Guidelines for the regulatory management of registered health practitioners and students infected with blood-borne viruses

Released: 24 July 2014
Closed: 26 September 2014

Consultation documents and submissions received are available on the Past Consultations page of the Ahpra website.

Consultation on registration standards for:

  1. Registration standard: Professional indemnity insurance
  2. Registration standard: Recency of practice
  3. Registration standard: Continuing professional development

Released: 28 April 2014 
Closed: 30 June 2014

Consultation on registration standards for the four types of limited registration and a draft guideline on short-term training in a medical specialty pathway

Released: 28 April 2014
Closed: 30 June 2014

Page reviewed 4/03/2024