This pathway is for specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs) with an international specialist medical qualification who wish to work in a specialist level position in an area of need.
SIMGs seeking to apply for a specialist level position in an area of need.
All IMGs must have a primary qualification in medicine and surgery awarded by a training institution recognised by both the AMC and the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS).
To be eligible for the Specialist pathway – area of need, SIMGs must have satisfied all the training and examination requirements to practise in their field of specialty in their country of training.
The SIMG must have secured a position in an area of need. ‘Area of need’ is determined by the relevant state or territory health authority (the AMC, the specialist medical college and the Board have no role in determining which areas are designated area of need).
The Specialist pathway – area of need is for all recognised medical specialties.
This pathway does not lead to specialist registration or ongoing registration in Australia.
SIMGs on the Specialist pathway – area of need may also apply for the Specialist pathway – specialist recognition if they are seeking specialist registration. The SIMG can complete the requirements for specialist recognition while working in an area of need position (known as the Combined specialist pathway).
SIMGs on the Specialist pathway – area of need must apply for limited registration for area of need.
SIMGs who are also eligible for the Competent Authority pathway can work in an area of need with provisional registration.
There are different fees charged by different organisations for different purposes.
The medical registration forms are on the Board’s forms page.
Application for specialist college area of need assessment – you need to source the application form from the relevant specialist medical college
SIMGs on the Specialist pathway – area of need must be supervised while doing their training.
The supervision forms are on the Board’s IMG supervision page.
SIMGs need to submit a supervised practice plan with their application for registration and nominate a supervisor who the Board will need to approve.
While you hold limited or provisional registration and are practising in an area of need, you and your supervisor will need to complete these reports and provide them to the Board after three months’ practice:
See the Guidelines – Supervised practice for international medical graduates on the Board’s Supervision page for more detail.
Registration standards define the requirements to apply for registration and for ongoing registration.
For limited registrants - Limited registration for an area of need registration standard.
See also the mandatory registration standards for English language, criminal history, CPD, PII, recency of practice on the Board’s Registration standards page.
If you are on the Specialist pathway – area of need and you have limited or provisional registration, you need to have a CPD home and do 50 hours of CPD each calendar year.
You can choose an AMC-accredited CPD home that is suitable for your scope of practice – either a college or non-college CPD home. The CPD homes are listed on the Board’s About CPD homes page.
General information about CPD is on the Board’s CPD page.
A list of the specialist medical colleges is available on the Board’s Useful contacts page.
The employer identifies a position that needs to be filled and contacts the relevant specialist medical college for assistance in preparing a detailed position description and key selection criteria.
It is in relation to this position description that the college will assess the suitability of an applicant under the Specialist pathway - area of need.
The position description should include the following information:
The employer then contacts the state or territory health authority to have the position declared an area of need position. The employer is expected to demonstrate that advertising has failed to attract a suitably qualified local applicant and that, unless the position is filled, service delivery will be affected adversely. The employer must provide evidence of reasonable efforts to recruit locally.
If a position is approved as an area of need position, the employer matches applicants for area of need positions against the position description and selection criteria, and selects a suitable applicant.
The applicant and the employer complete the relevant documentation, including the visa application, where necessary.
If access to Medicare is required, the employer will need to contact the Australian Government Department of Health to confirm that the position identified as an area of need position is also in a district of workforce shortage. The employer should also ensure that the applicant for the area of need position will be eligible to apply to the Board for ‘limited registration for area of need’ or ‘provisional registration' via the Competent Authority pathway.