Medical Board of Australia - Pre-2024 intern (PGY1) training information
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Pre-2024 intern (PGY1) training information

Pre-2024 intern (PGY1) training information

The following documents are relevant for interns who commenced their training before 2024.

The Australian Medical Council (AMC) has developed a national standards framework for intern training to support the Medical Board of Australia's registration standard for Granting general registration to Australian and New Zealand medical graduates after completion of the intern year.

As part of the framework, the AMC has developed a suite of intern training documents which the Board has approved. The following documents detail what is expected of interns and intern training providers. There are also resources and tools for use by interns and providers of intern training.

Document name  Description  PDF Accessible version  Document date 
Guide to intern training in Australia An overview of intern training and what is expected of interns.  PDF 
Word version 
14 December 2016
Intern training - Intern outcome statements A broad outline of the significant outcomes an intern must achieve to successfully complete an approved internship.  PDF 
Word version 
19 October
Intern training - Guidelines for terms A guide to the learning experiences an intern should have during medicine, surgery, emergency medical care, and other terms during internship. Includes notes on supervision.  PDF 
Word version 
31 January 2014 
Intern training - Assessing and certifying completion A guide on how assessment works in intern training, including assessment criteria, forms, what happens with remediation, and how an intern is certified as having successfully completed their internship.  PDF 
Word version 
19 October
Intern training - Term assessment form A form for both interns and supervisors; interns may use for self-assessment and supervisors use the form to provide feedback on the intern’s performance. This form aligns with the Intern outcome statements and the domains of the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors. AMC website    
Certificate of completion of an accredited internship  A form for persons authorised to certify that an intern has satisfactorily completed an accredited internship.  The completed form is required by the Board for the purposes of deciding whether to grant general registration to an intern (provisional registrant).  PDF 
  5 June 2023
Pre-2024 Registration standard Pre-2024: Registration standard: Granting general registration as a medical practitioner to Australian and New Zealand medical graduates on completion of intern training PDF
  1 January 2014
Surveys of intern preparedness

The Australian Medical Council and Medical Board of Australia undertook surveys of interns in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The surveys were designed to assess how well medical schools prepare graduates for their internship. An evaluation of the surveys’ effectiveness as a quality improvement tool has been undertaken.

Evaluation report
PDF (641KB)

2019 survey
results PDF (940KB)

2018 survey
results PDF (1.2MB)

2017 survey
results PDF (645KB)
Page reviewed 28/12/2023