Medical Board of Australia - FAQ: general registration CPD
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FAQ: general registration CPD

Medical practitioner audit

Medical practitioners registered with the Medical Board of Australia (the Board) need to complete a minimum number of continuing professional development (CPD) hours that are relevant to their scope of practice.

The Board’s continuing professional development registration standard is accessible on the Registration Standards page of the Board’s website. This sets out the Board’s expectations in relation to CPD.

These frequently asked questions (FAQ) answer common questions about the different CPD requirements for the groups of general registrants only.

Medical practitioners who are engaged in any form of medical practice are required to participate in continuing professional development (CPD). The CPD must be relevant to your scope of practice so you can maintain, develop, update and enhance your knowledge, skills and performance and deliver appropriate and safe care.

CPD must include a range of activities to meet individual learning needs, including practice-based reflective elements, such as clinical audit, peer review or performance appraisal, as well as participation in activities to enhance knowledge such as courses, conferences and online learning. CPD programs of medical colleges accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) meet these requirements.


For CPD, general registrants fall into three groups.

TABLE 1 (below) shows the different CPD requirements and the relevant category of the CPD Registration Standard.

TABLE 1 - CPD evidence requirements by practitioner type


Group  Practitioner type  CPD requirements and relevant clause of CPD Registration Standard  Evidence Requirements 
1 Trainee

  • Prevocational trainee or college vocational trainee
Participation in supervised training and education programs associated with their position.

4 of CPD registration standard
Signed letter from their supervising hospital or teaching practice that confirms they participated in the supervised training and education program associated with their position anytime from 1 October to 30 September.

A letter template is available on the Audit page.

Self-directed - includes medical practitioners who have general registration only (i.e. do not have specialist registration)

Group  Practitioner type  CPD requirements and relevant clause of CPD Registration Standard  Evidence Requirements 
  • 50 hours CPD activity per year.
  • Must include one mandatory self-assessment reflection activity of peer review OR clinical audit OR performance appraisal.

    Please note: This is your reflection of one of the three mandatory activities, not that of another practitioner.
6 of CPD registration standard
✔ CPD activities must relate to keeping up-to-date with your scope of practice.

✔ Documents to substantiate 50 hours of activity.

✔ All activities claimed must be in hours.

✔ Must include a mandatory self-assessment reflection activity of one of peer review (category 1) OR clinical audit (category 2) OR performance appraisal (category 3).

✔ Remaining hours to be made up from categories 4 to 12.

✔ Activities must be in the previous registration year from 1 October to 30 September.

✔ Participants in accredited or non accredited medical colleges must provide full documentary evidence of activities.

✘ Non accredited college completion or ‘recertification’ certificates are not acceptable.

✘ Accredited college completion certificates are not acceptable evidence.

✘ Activities measured in credits or points are not acceptable.

See Table 2 Self-directed program for an explanation of the types of acceptable evidence.

Member or Fellow of an accredited specialist medical college

Group  Practitioner type  CPD requirements and relevant clause of CPD Registration Standard  Evidence Requirements 
3 Member or Fellow of an accredited specialist college.

General registrant who participated in an accredited specialist college CPD program as a member. 
✔ As required by the accredited medical college.

✔ Must demonstrate college membership or fellowship.

6 of CPD registration standard
✔ Documentary evidence to substantiate activities claimed under college program.

✔ Documents to demonstrate college membership.

(Refer to college website for CPD requirements)

A member of RACGP or ACRRM can provide the following documents together with evidence of college membership. No other documents are needed.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Audited in:  Evidence Required 
  • 2014-16 QI&CPD Triennium Certificate
2018 Annual Credit Point Statement only.
2019 Annual Credit Point Statement only. 

Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

Audited in:  Evidence Required 
  • 2014-16 PDP Certificate of Compliance
2018 Annual PDP Statement only.
2019 Annual PDP Statement only.

1.1 What is the CPD requirement?

The Board’s CPD registration standard requires medical practitioners who have general registration and are prevocational trainees or college vocational trainees to participate in supervised training and education programs associated with their position.

1.2 What do I need to do?

If you are a trainee in an Australian supervised training or education program you must provide either:

  • a signed letter or report from your supervising hospital or teaching practice that confirms you participated in the supervised training and education programs associated with your position from 1 October to 30 September in the year being audited. You can ask your hospital or teaching practice to complete the letter template that is accessible on the Audit page.
  • a signed report from your supervisor on hospital rotations from 1 October to 30 September in the year being audited is not acceptable evidence.

If you were a trainee in an overseas supervised Fellowship training or education program you must provide:

  • a signed letter from the relevant AMC accredited specialist college advising whether the CPD undertaken is acceptable to the college.

2.1 What is the CPD requirement?

The Board’s CPD registration standard requires a self-directed program of 50 hours of CPD to be completed in the period from 1 October to 30 September each year. The 50 hours must include a mandatory practice-based self-assessed reflective element/activity of either: a clinical audit, OR a peer review OR a performance appraisal.

Please note: This is your reflection of one of your three mandatory elements/activities, not that of another practitioner.

2.2 What do I need to do?

You must submit documentation and evidence to substantiate the declaration you made when you renewed your registration, that you undertook the required 50 hours of CPD in the period from 1 October to 30 September in the year being audited including:

  • a mandatory practice-based reflective element of either clinical audit, OR peer review OR performance appraisal, AND
  • activities to enhance knowledge including: courses, conferences and online learning.

Your activities must be relevant to your scope of practice.

You must provide:

  • a completed cover sheet that outlines the categories and the correct number of hours claimed AND
  • copies of evidence to substantiate the activities claimed. (Please don’t send original documents to AHPRA.)

The coversheet is accessible on the Audit page of the Board’s website.

2.3 What is acceptable evidence?

TABLE 2: Self-directed CPD program shows the types of acceptable evidence. You can access TABLE 2 as part of the coversheet on the Audit page of the Board’s website.

For recurrent activities, a signed summary statement from head of department or clinical director is acceptable.

TABLE 2 - Self Directed CPD Program: Acceptable Evidence 

Category of CPD  Acceptable evidence – must be shown in hours  Exclusions – unacceptable evidence 
1. Clinical Audit  Explanation: A clinical audit compares actual clinical practice against established standards of practice. The audit has two main components: An evaluation of the care that the individual practitioner provides, and a quality improvement process.


  • Certificate confirming completion of clinical audit eg NPS, college approved audit tool etc and a reflection on what was learned; OR
  • Short summary of recommendations and implemented changes and a reflection on what was learned; OR
  • Description of the process that was undertaken and a reflection on what was learnt.
There are no exclusions 
2. Peer Review  Explanation: Meetings undertaken by and with peers with the aim of updating knowledge and improving practice through the presentation of one’s own work to one’s peers with the expectation of free and frank review. 


  • Documented account of case review or discussion with peer or team and a reflection on what was learned; OR
  • Evidence of log book or diary entry and a reflection on what was learned; OR
  • Description of peer review activity and a reflection on what was learnt.
There are no exclusions 
3. Performance Appraisal  Explanation: Activities that allow the practitioner to review their practice /performance.


  • Documentation to show how the practitioner reviewed or improved their practice or performance and a reflection on what was learned; OR
  • Description of the process undertaken and a reflection of what was learnt from the appraisal.
There are no exclusions 
4. Courses  Evidence:

  • Certificate or record of attendance
  • letter/statement/correspondence from organiser/ administrator/ employer verifying your attendance.
The following do not show that you actually attended: 


✘ Itinerary


5. Conferences, forums, seminars  Evidence:
  • Certificate or record of attendance
  • Receipts with a copy of the official Program
  • letter/statement/correspondence from organiser/ administrator/ employer verifying your attendance.
The following do not show that you actually attended:

✘ Itinerary

6. Online Learning 
  • Web based verification (can include print out of completion screen, list of completed modules printed from website, evidence that questions have been attempted); OR
  • Statement of participation; OR 
  • Certificate of completion; OR
  • Literature perusal that has been diarised.
✘Non planned, non measured reading

7. Reading: Journal or Targeted textbook or Book 
  • Documentation trail listing articles, journals, books or text books read including author/s, the title of the article, journal, book and the date read.
✘Statutory declaration stating 50 hours reading undertaken without full documentation list that is relevant to practitioner’s scope of practice. 
8. Discussions, journal clubs, workshops, practice clinical meeting 
  • Record/letter of attendance from organiser/administrator/ employer, minutes, or equivalent that showed the practitioner attended.
  • Must include name of organisation, date, time duration.
The following does not show that you actually attended:

9. Publication 
  • Title/copy of publication that give details of the published work. 
There are no exclusions 
10. Research 
  • Title/copy of publication papers, copies or excerpts of research proposal or, activity log and outcome statement.
There are no exclusions 
11. Education Teaching or supervision 
  • letter/statement/correspondence from organiser/ administrator/ employer certifying your role as a supervisor.
There are no exclusions 
12. Other 
  • Please provide explanation of what other CPD activities you completed if they don’t fit into one of the categories above.
There are no exclusions 

3.1 What is the CPD requirement?

If you are a general registrant who is a Member or Fellow of an accredited medical college then you must meet the standard for CPD set by the medical college (category 6 of the Board’s CPD registration standard).

3.2 What do I need to do?

If you are a Member or Fellow you must submit evidence of activities in the year being audited that you participated in a college program.

Your activities must be relevant to your scope of practice.

You must provide:

  • The college statement/certificate of participation/completion; the college’s expanded summary of activities with dates and timings; copies of evidence to substantiate the activities claimed. (Please don’t send original documents to AHPRA.) Please refer to your college’s requirements.

Please note: A Member or Fellow of the RACGP or ACRRM can provide the documents together with evidence of college membership as stated above in the section: Overview - CPD evidence requirements. No other documents are required.

Page reviewed 9/05/2023