Medical Board of Australia - Applying for registration
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Applying for registration

Exciting changes are coming to make it easier to apply for registration online. The process will be easier, faster, and more secure.

A new online application form along with a new Ahpra portal for applicants and practitioners, and a new secure online ID verification will be progressively coming online from 17 March 2025.

Online applications 

While we upgrade our operating system, online applications are not available. They will be coming back online – with improved functionality – from Monday 17 March 2025. 

Registration and renewal application forms

We strongly encourage you to wait for our new online application forms for a faster assessment. A new online application form along with a new Ahpra portal for applicants and practitioners, and a new secure online ID verification will be coming online soon. 

Check back on our website next week to see up-to-date information about our new portal.

If you believe you need to lodge an urgent application, email us and we will be back in touch. 

PDF forms

We are transitioning our PDF forms online. Some requests and reporting associated with applications for registration or renewal of registration still need to be made on a PDF form. 

Download the relevant form and once completed, log in to your Ahpra practitioner portal and upload it.

International medical graduates (IMGs) - Templates to support applications for or renewal of limited or provisional registration  

Specialist international medical graduates (SIMGs)  - Templates for reporting under the Expedited Specialist pathway

General registration for IMGs

Specialist registration 

PGY1 - Templates for reporting a PGY1 doctor’s satisfactory completion of accredited PGY1 training

These reporting templates are for persons authorised to certify that a PGY1 doctor has satisfactorily completed an accredited PGY1 training program. Ahpra receives the completed templates directly from the PGY1 doctor’s accredited training provider.

Hardcopy forms soon to be retired 

If you wish to apply for registration or renew your provisional or limited registration using a PDF form, please go to our legacy forms page, search and download the relevant form.

Page reviewed 12/03/2025